Company Website:
Contact: Izzy Green
Position: Locality Manager
Telephone: 0843 523 5813
Type of Provision: Residential Children’s Homes – Learning Disabilities
Total number of children’s homes & other services: 2
Total number of registered beds: 4
Age range on admission: 0-18
Specialist services: Autistic Spectrum Conditions, Asperger’s, BESD, Challenging
Behaviour, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Epilepsy, Health & Learning Difficulties & Tourette’s Syndrome
Names and Qualifications: All Managers & Directors qualified beyond minimum requirements.
Information on request
Therapeutic provision: Clinical Psychologist, psychotherapist, play/art therapist, CBT, CAMHS practitioners, Speech & Language therapists, occupational
therapist can be supplied upon request by Local Authority.
Albrighton care residential children’s services provide a stable, safe and nurturing environment to children and young people that require specialist care and support.
We support children and young people with learning disabilities, complex physical and health needs, and autistic spectrum conditions in our small group homes, which are safe, fun and specifically adapted to meet individual needs and to positively manage any risks in a child-centred approach (Based on the Durham Residential model).
The team are trained to deliver support in a way that puts the child at the centre of any decision-making, and we create a clear team around the child which includes families, carers, professionals and people important to the child or young person.
Each child or young person has a person-centred planner in place which is a structured programme (to child/young person’s needs), designed and created to ensure we meet the individual goals and outcomes for each child and young person, in a way that makes sense to them, and using communication tools specific to the child/young person.