Company Website:
Contact: Lorraine Andrews
Position: Managing Director
Telephone: 07941 468398 / 01604 628020
Type of Provision: Two Children’s Homes (Ofsted), One Younger adults (CQC) aged sixteen plus.
Total number of children’s homes & other services: 3
Total number of registered beds: 10 with Ofsted 4 with CQC
Size range of homes: 4 and 5 bedded
Age range on admission: aged 7 to 18
Specialist services: EBD, Attachment & Moderate learning difficulties & Mental Health Needs
Names and Qualifications: Lorraine Andrews Bsc(Hons) Social Science/DipSW, HND Business, Peter Harper BA(Hons), Msc Clinical Psychology, AFBPsS, Laura
Brant Bsc(Hons) Psychology, PGCert Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Other education provision: Registered to deliver AQA Awards.
Therapeutic provision: Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Consultant Art Therapist & full time Assistant Psychologist.
Other services: Independent living packages Art therapy Occupational Therapy
The Banyan Tree has been offering an exceptional residential service to children and young people since 2001. We are a small and unique independent provider with a proven history of improving outcomes for children and young people with complex needs.
Our superb family style homes are very comfortable. We believe in creating a warm, nurturing and positive environment both physically and emotionally for the children and young people. This provides them with the safety to explore their pasts and develop a healthier sense of self to progress. Our dedication to work with a small group of children/young people ensures we have a real opportunity to facilitate change. We offer a high staff ratio and can provide, within a group setting, one to one and bespoke care packages and support to move into independent living. The Banyan
Tree uses a Person Centred approach to practice, which allows the individual child’s and young person’s needs and experiences to be truly prioritised. The Banyan Tree adopts Transactional Analysis
as our model, which guides the staff teams understanding about their own, and the children and young people’s, communication needs, attachments experiences and behaviours.
The Banyan Tree’s provision is centrally located in Northampton and easily accessible for many Counties.