Flourish Children's Services
Flourish Children's Services

Company Website: www.flourishcs.co.uk
Contact: Abdul Rehman
Position: Operations Manager
Telephone: 07813117817
Email: Abdul.rehman@flourishcs.co.uk

Type of Provision: Residential Children's Home
Total number of children’s homes & other services: 1 (1 home with 1 bed to currently in process of being processed)
Total number of registered beds: 4
Size range of homes: 1x4 bed (1x1 bed being registered)
Age range on admission: 7-18 Years old
Therapeutic provision: Our homes use the Pace therapeutic model.


Daisy Bells is a ‘looked after children’s’ residential home based in a semi-rural location on the outskirts of Rotherham. Daisy Bells is a 4-bedroomed detached dormer bungalow with a large outdoor garden.  Daisy Bells offers a homely environment where the children can flourish in their surroundings.

At Daisy Bells, we strive to be a supportive and safe home for up to 4 children/young people between the ages of 8 and 17years old.

The aim of Flourish Children’s Services is to support children to build confidence and self-esteem in order to enable them to grow into happy and confident young adults.

At Daisy Bells we recognise that the children in our care have often suffered trauma and abuse from a young age and have missed out on constructive early life experiences.   With this is mind we strive to give all children in our care safe and positive experiences using the PACE (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity, Empathy) model of parenting which all staff have received training and guidance in.  

We are able to offer a home to children/young people with Emotional Behavioural Difficulties (EBD) and provide them with a stable base to support them to manage their emotions in a positive way.   This is done through building trusting relationships with the emphasis on helping children to understand their own risks rather than shaming or blaming them.

The staffing team have a wealth of experience working with children/young people who have suffered from neglect and find it hard to build positive relationships and attachments.  Staff also receive in-depth training on CSE/CCE, substance misuse and safeguarding.

All of our staff focus on de-escalation when a child is feeling overwhelmed or anxious and are train in the team teach method of positive intervention.