Company Website:
Contact: Rachel Given
Position: Head of Business Development
Telephone: 074711 352364
Type of Provision: Family Assessment, Mother & Baby
Total number of children’s homes & other services: 2
Total number of registered beds: 6
Age range on admission: 0 - 12 years (mothers/parents)
Specialist services: Family Assessment - PAMS
Names and Qualifications: Ofsted
ResiCare Alliance is an independent provider of secure, supported living for children, teenagers and young adults. Our staff are drawn from a range of backgrounds that give them experience, understanding and life skills necessary to make the sort of sustained interventions which deliver results. We see ourselves as mentors and role models as much as professionally qualified counsellors, educators and caregivers. Our residents have faced complex issues and challenges in their short lives and have almost universally lacked the adult role models on whom they can rely on for guidance and advice. We fulfill the role of legal guardian with grey care and diligence. Each resident is different, and we address each on an individual basis, with care plans that yeild step-by-step improvements. Our residents are housed in supported accommodation appropriate to their needs, including mother and baby units and semi-independent wings. No one leaves us until they are ready to do so. Our study programmes are bespoke and include working on a wide range of personal and vocational skills that are relevant to today's workforce and society. We stay in touch with our graduates and stand ready to intervene and provide support should they need it in the future.