Zone Central Ltd
Zone Central Ltd

Company Website:
Contact: Dawn
Position: Responsible Individual
Telephone: 02039880447

Type of Provision: Residential Children's Home
Total number of children’s homes & other services: 1 mixed home
Total number of registered beds: 3
Size range of homes: 3
Age range on admission: 8-18
Specialist services: Learning Disabilities
Registered school: No
Other education provision: No
Therapeutic provision: Yes
Other services: Self harm, CSE, MFH


Our home, @SE6, is a 2 bedroom terrace house, based in Catford, South London, for young people aged 8-18 years with learning disabilities.

Children and young people who come to stay at SE6 will have their objectives identified, and plans will be developed with them, their parents/carers and known professionals, with a view to enhance their participation and achievement with measurable outcomes in a consistent approach to the other support networks present in their lives.

SE6 will additionally support children and young people by providing an environment where continuous professional development forms part of the culture they will experience when visiting with us. We champion continued learning and training, to better identify needs and support for the individuals we care for, and we use measurable standards to monitor and identify this.

Children and young people will also experience planned and ever available activities and fun, in a safe and nurturing environment. Everyone will be given ample opportunity for socialising and the development of independence, where familial adults provide a support approach suited to their needs and interests.