Company Website:
Contact: Rebecca Cowley
Position: Director / Registered Manager
Telephone: 01543 300232
Type of Provision: Residential children's home
Total number of children’s homes & other services: 1 mixed home
Total number of registered beds: 3
Size range of homes: 3
Age range on admission: 9 - 17
Specialist services: EBD
Registered school: No
Other education provision: No
Therapeutic provision: No
Other services: AIMS Assessment
Form F Assessment
Reunification Work
Willow House is registered to provide up to 3 full-time residential places to children and young people aged between 9 and 17 who may have experienced trauma and dysfunction within their family environment and may have difficulty regulating their emotions and behaviours.
We aim to provide a settled period of residential care with a therapeutic emphasis and multi-agency involvement, to help children recover from experiences which have rendered them vulnerable and consequently disrupted their primary relationships. Based within the community, our residential service is designed to improve children’s life chances and outcomes, by enabling them to (re)build relationships with staff, their families/friends and to achieve a stable living situation.
We aim to make their home a place where they can learn new skills, have new experiences and develop skills for life by creating an environment where children can feel valued and listened to and can build appropriate relationships with other children and adults, learning to cope with/manage their feelings and grasp opportunities.
Structure is provided through daily living routines, activities and 1:1 time with key carers. We encourage children to lead healthy lifestyles and pride ourselves in the opportunities we are able to provide them.
Positive behaviour is recognised, celebrated and rewarded. Children are encouraged to reflect on negative behaviour and unwanted consequences through educational keywork sessions and the open, discursive culture at Willow House. Children are encouraged and supported to work towards restorative outcomes after unacceptable behaviour. It is always our aim to treat children as part of a collaborative and respectful relationship. Our priority is to draw learning and understanding from difficult times rather than simply the imposition of sanctions.
Willow House is relentless in the pursuit of high expectations and aspirations for the children in our care. The Registered Manager, staff team and wider support networks work together to ensure that the children receive high quality care and support to keep them safe and enable them to make progress in all aspects of their life. We are committed to promoting and communicating our unshakeable belief in their potential and worth