Contact: Pauline Obaze
Position: Responsible Individual / Director
Telephone: +447380894484
Total number of registered beds: 5 Beds
Age range on admission: 7 - 18
Specialist services: Yes
Registered school: No
Other education provision: None
Therapeutic provision: Yes
Gims care is driven by our commitment to those who live with us, and person-centered care is at the heart of our homes. We ensure that children’s rights, their ability to make choices, and inclusion in all aspects of their care are promoted at every opportunity.
We recognise the unique physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each young person, and strive to create an environment where children and young people take pride in being themselves and have high aspirations for their future.
All our homes use the SECURE BASE MODEL to strive for positive outcomes for all the children. All young people will have their secure base progress monitored by staff and this will be evidence of the emotional progress they have made while living with us. A secure base is provided through a relationship with one or more sensitive and responsive attachment figures who meet the child's needs and to whom the child can turn to when upset or anxious. When children develop trust in the availability and reliability of this relationship, their anxiety is reduced and they can therefore explore and enjoy their world, safe in the knowledge that they can return to their secure base for help if needed.