Company Website:
Contact: Saheena Saeed
Position: Director
Telephone: 0800 6128764 / 0208 5541112
Type of Provision: Therapeutic – specialising in mental health disorders and children with mild autistic spectrum disorders, e.g. Aspergers.
Total number of children’s homes & other services: 1
Total number of registered beds: 5
Age range on admission: 10 plus
Specialist services: Therapeutic – Weekly sessions with Psychotherapist.
Registered school: Oak House School – DfE URN 143406
Other education provision: ASDAN
Therapeutic provision: Gestalt, Biofeedback therapy, Psychotherapist.
Therapeutic residential care home for young people aged 10 to 17 years. Specialising in young people who are self-harming, suicidal ideation and/or mental disorders.
- Provide a staff team which is non-judgemental and trained in Gestalt counselling. All staff have completed or are working towards their NVQ’s.
- Staff complete detailed key work sessions with the young people, these sessions cover:-
- Social & Emotional Skills
- Behaviour Skills
- Drug & Alcohol
- Emotional Health & Well-being
- Provide therapeutic tools like art, drama, key-work sessions, etc. to help the young person explore and gain a better understanding of themselves – all young people are offered regular sessions with a qualified Gestalt Psychotherapist
- Assess the development of a young person in:- Offending, Motivation and Taking Responsibility, Self-Care and Living Skills, Managing Money, Social Networks and Relationships, Drug and Alcohol Misuse, Physical Health, Emotional and Mental Health, Meaningful use of Time
- Teaching the young person life skills to prepare them for life after our care.
- We encourage and stress the importance for our young people to attend education, whether it be through mainstream schooling, home tutoring or via our on-site Oak House School.
- The use of Positive Behavioural Intervention Support (PBIS) process to support young people with autism.
- EEG Biofeedback (neuro-feedback) therapy – This involves helping young people learn to control their emotions through controlling their bodily actions such as breathing deeply, distraction, etc. The therapy includes monitoring a young person’s Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Skin Conductance Level (SCL).