North East Autism Society
North East Autism Society

Company Website:
Contact: Brian Stoker
Position: Head of Care
Telephone: 0191 4109974

Type of Provision: Specialist 52 week residential care with educational provisions
Total number of children’s homes & other services: 4 children’s homes & 2 Education Provisions
Total number of registered beds: 17 (4 bed & 6 bed)
Age range on admission: 4 – 19
Specialist services: Autism and associated conditions
Registered school: Thornhill Park School – Sunderland and North East Centre for Autism – County Durham
Other education provision: Alternative education provision for children and young people who struggle to engage in a class room environment
Therapeutic provision: Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy


Within each home, we strive to provide individualised and bespoke care for all of our children and young people. Our expert staff are trained to meet the needs of each individual, in order to support each young person to achieve their personal goals and aspirations.

Homes are located in quiet residential areas within Sunderland and County Durham. They are designed in an autism friendly manner, to help children overcome any additional sensory needs that they may have. Children and Young people are encouraged to contribute to the design decoration and furnishing of their homes.

We undertake a comprehensive and holistic initial assessment of each young person, in order to ascertain their starting point.  From this, we will work with each young person and their family in order to develop an individualised plan of care.

Each young person has a keyworker who works closely with each individual and will advocate on their behalf. We work with young people to develop priority areas, to promote independence and
self-help skills. We support each young person to take part in activities within the local and wider community that they enjoy such as; swimming, wall climbing, walking, trampolining, and sports.

Please see the link below for further information about the services and how we meet the needs of our children and young people.